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Video Advertising: The Ins and Outs

When it comes to video advertising, it is possible to generate revenue in several different ways using video. In this blog we explain to you the possibilities and why exactly this could be very interesting for you as an owner of video content.

Online advertising involves 3 parties:

  1. The advertiser
  2. The publisher (they make space available for placing the advertisements)
  3. The owner of the video content

It is possible that the owner of the video is also the publisher. As a publisher you can give different advertisers the opportunity to advertise in the video. If you’re not in charge of the advertisements on the video, but are the (original) owner of the content, then the revenue generated from the advertisments will be divided in most cases. This is what happens on YouTube, we’ll come back to this later in this article.

Publisher and owner of content

Telegraaf uploads news and entertainment videos on its website on which advertisements are displayed. Telegraaf is both publisher AND owner of the video content.

Publisher and not the owner of content

Google provides the ads for owners of video content on YouTube. In this case, YouTube is the publisher and not the (original) owner* of the video content.

* On YouTube, the owner of content gives up the rights of the video when uploading a video.

Why advertising with video?

A video ad is usually more appealing than a static banner and enables you to give more information in less time. For advertisers, the benefits of video advertising are mainly targeting, reach, and measurability. Advertisers like to display their advertisements there where the target group is to be found online. For example, an ad aimed at football fans will not be relevant on a video about beauty products and vice versa. As a publisher, showing ads on a video is an interesting way to generate income with video.

Advertising with video is particularly interesting for video channels or websites with a large reach (e.g.: news, sports and entertainment websites). These channels and websites contain a lot of video content focussed on one or more target groups that are visited frequently on a daily basis for watching videos. A perfect place for displaying video ads.

The types of video advertising

There are different ways to advertise with video. It is possible to display video ads before, during or after the main video in various compositions. Let’s elaborate on the possibilities next.

Pre-roll, Mid-roll, Post-roll

These are the most commonly known advertisement videos. They are shown before, during or after the main video. Usually these are advertising videos that are, for example, an extension of television commercials.
These ads are a great fit for videos with a high news value where viewers are prepared to watch the advertisement. A pre-roll of max. 15-3o seconds is recommended. This type of advertisement, pre-roll, mid-roll and/or post-roll (or end-roll) is called linear advertisement.

Take-over ad

This advertisement takes over the entire screen. This full screen ad is mostly applied for big ad campaigns and usually costs a lot more than just a pre-roll or post-roll ad.

The ad can be displayed in the video player, but it’s also possible to completely transform the website in which the video player is embedded when the viewer clicks play.


Companian ad

This way of advertising display ads around the video. This ensures that the viewers are not disturbed by an ad during the video.

In-video overlay

These are ads that appear as an overlay/banner during the video in which the viewer gets the possibility to close the ad.

Interactive video ad

An interactive video ad is often tailored to the content of the video. This ensures a higher conversion than when you just show an overlay or a companion banner. In addition to direct links to a landing page, you can also have other interactions take place in the video player. Like a contact form that is opened, so that the viewer can subscribe to a newsletter.

Advertisement type Pros Cons
  • Higly usable for videos with high news value
  • Possibility to show partners / sponsors (at an event)
  • Viewers can drop off due to mandatory viewing time
In video overlay
  • Show at any time of the video
  • Very viewer friendly thanks to click away option
  • Draws less attention due to smaller size
Interactive video ad
  • Good practice to promote conversion (first conversion in video)
  • High in fun
  • Advertisement can be very intrusive to viewers
Take-over ad
  • Branding opportunities around the video
  • Possibility for large ad sizes
  • Advertisement can be very intrusive to viewers
Companion ad
  • Viewers can watch the video without any interruption
  • Adjust video banners to match the content
  • Ad is less noticeable

Starting with video advertising

When you want to display ads on your video it is a necessity that the video platform, on which the videos will be played, has a link with an ad network. At least, if you want this to take place automatically and if you want better management options for showing videos.

Video advertising with a private video platform

With your private video platform, you have control over advertising revenue because you manage the advertisements and rates yourself. For this you use an advertising network that you connect with the video platform. The advertising network ensures a good delivery of the advertisements, making it possible to use different settings for each ad. For example the target group, the number of impressions and the rate. This way you as a publisher determine the price you use per ad and you can adjust these with advertisers for what rate they can advertise on your videos.

Advertising with Google AdSense

AdSense is the free platform by Google that makes it easy to earn money by placing ads on your website or around your videos. With AdSense you offer the possibility to over a million advertisers to bid on advertising to bid on advertising on the videos.

More information about Google AdSense 

Contact us

Please contact one of our online video experts. We’d be happy to give you personal advice about how you can get the most out of your video content.